Friday, September 17, 2010

Nathan's 2nd Birthday

Nathan turned two yesterday. He is a character. He's LOUD and active, and is unwilling to miss out on any of the fun that his older brothers and sisters are having. I enjoy this age soooo much. When Paul and I got back from our trip and I was putting him to bed for the night, he said, "I miss you." Awww, melt my heart... He will also spontaneously say, "I wuv you, mommia". I'm not sure why, but he has gotten into the habit of saying "mommia". Not all the time, just when he really wants my attention. He knows that he's being funny when he says it. I think he may be the upcoming comedian of the family. He'll do something goofy, then look at me and ask, "Funny, mommy?" He cracks me up.

We met daddy at the park for lunch and went fishing after Paul had to leave. We had a dandy of a time getting Nathan to settle down and smile for a picture. He knew what we wanted and avoided eye contact with the camera. After poking, prodding and tickling, we managed to squeak out a few grins. He was so excited that it was his birthday and everyone got to sing, "happy birthday" to him!
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