Thursday, September 2, 2010

That's a good one

Inevitably, when I walk into a store, I take note of the people's reactions to my little train (or flock) that is following (or surrounding) me. It's kind of fun. Some people just look, others do the "head bob" (cause you know they're counting), and others ask the infamous question... "Are they all yours?" That question can be fun to answer (especially when I've left one or two of the kids home). "No, I have 2 more at home." That's when you get the look of shock or amazement. FUN! I have been tempted to ask the same question myself to other moms when I see a boatload of kids following them around. It is somewhat energizing to find someone else who is experiencing the same things you are. I won't ask that question, though, because, depending on which word you emphasize, it can sound a bit rude when your on the receiving end, so I just avoid that question entirely.

The runner up to that question is... "My, you have your hands full." Now this one is tricky because I've been hearing it since I had only 3 little ones riding around in my cart. It doesn't seem to matter how many kids you have, everyone thinks you have your hands full. It is partly true. You can have your hands full with 2 kids, 4 kids, or 6 kids. Your hands just seem to grow with your family size.

Just this week, as Paul took our family went out for ice cream, I heard one that I hadn't heard before. Of course, it followed question number one, but it went something like this... "Are they all yours?" "Yes." "You should have your own reality TV show." Wow! Since when did having 6 kids and a watermelon belly constitute my own tv show. I'm starting to understand that we are now far enough away from the typical household, that people can only imagine how we are able to function with such a big family. As I entertain the thought, my mind can only think of how boring other people's lives are to want to watch our family doing household chores. Either that, or the TV producers would have to do quite a bit of embellishing. As this fellow ice cream eater was leaving, she said with a smile, "We'll be watching for your show". Naaaaa, she'll have to read my best seller first :)


  1. Good stuff Amy. I love your family!!

  2. I was completely caught off guard by all the "wow, another one?!" or "was this planned?" comments I got with number three, apparently any more than two children is out of the norm these days...I can't even imagine how much you must hear it!
