Monday, November 22, 2010

20 days to go!!!

Whoa, I just looked at my Lilypie counter (on the right of my blog) and it announced that I have only 20 days to go! It's actually more like 28-30 days in my pregnancies, but there's always a possibility of being on time, right? ...(yeah, right). On a side note, does going overdue coincide with always being late in regular life? Hmmmm... I'll have to do some surveys on that one.

Back to the topic at hand... Even though I've chosen to have my last few babies at home, it's certainly not to escape the pain-free epidural that most pregnant women choose in the latter stage of labor. In fact, I can distinctly remember the pain of labor, and then the pain of pushing and it makes me want to crawl into bed and cry. Some of the women I know actually enjoy labor as it was meant to be (painful), and find it somewhat empowering. I just look at them and cringe. But, here I am once again getting ready for a shoot-out with one of my biggest fears within the next month and am NOT looking forward to it. I am officially starting my positive-thinking mode and working on convincing myself that God made labor survivable and the end result is worth the effort. To encourage myself, I am doing a couple things different this time in hopes of an easier labor... I borrowed a birthing pool (not necessarily to have a water birth, but I've found that the warm water soothes the contrations and our tub is too shallow). I'm also going to start taking GLA (aka Gamma-linolenic Acid found in Borage Seed/Evening Primrose Oil-it has natural prostiglandins in it that supposedly does things to get the body ready for a faster and, hopefully, sooner birth).
As for the baby status... I'm measuring 39 weeks along (I'm 37 weeks), and each of my boys measured around 2 weeks or so farther along (just like this one), while each of my girls measured right on or just under their appropriate week measurement. He/she is head down, getting crowded (which I can tell everytime he/she decides to stretch), and is anxiously waiting to meet the ones that are making all that noise on the outside of my womb, just like they are for him/her.

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