Friday, August 19, 2011

Ellie lost her first tooth!


My little girl lost her first tooth! You know what that means? She is going to lose her second tooth! And then another, and another, and pretty soon she'll be sixteen and wanting to drive the family car!! Ugh, I hate that. Not the car part, but the growing up part. I know they have to grow up, and I know it's a good thing, but if I could only just slow them down a bit so that I have time to savor those precious moments. The sweet "mommy, I love you" moments... Well, no turning back now.

Ellie was thrilled to lose her first tooth. It seems like it was loose for a long, long time. She finally popped it out with a bite on a hard, premature apple that the girls picked to use for their picnic in the yard. She stuck it in a baggie under her pillow and was so excited to find that the tooth fairy left her a whopping $2 for her first tooth. (That fairy always seems a bit generous on those "first teeth") As is the trend with most of the kids, her money didn't stick around long. She went garage sailing with Grandma (a favorite summer activity) and bought more "oh, so cute" stuffed animals to add to her collection.

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