Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Selah's Dedication

We had Selah dedicated at church on August 7th. A baby dedication is simply a public statement by us (the parents) saying that we are committing do our best to raise Selah to know and love Jesus. At the same time, we are asking God for His wisdom in teaching and training her, and for His protection over her life. It's really a prominent occasion for all of our kids to have gone through. It in no way guarantees her salvation, just our commitment to lead her spiritually to the point when she can make that decision on her own. After all, as my mom would say, "God doesn't have grandkids." Meaning... "You can't get to heaven because you have 'christian' parents or a godly heritage. You have to make the decision to follow Christ for yourself".

There's nothing like a daddy's prayer for his little girl. As the spiritual leader of the house, he prayed for wisdom in raising her, and that God would protect her as she grows.

After Paul prayed, Pastor Jim prayed a blessing over her and us.

It's a hefty responsibility to see that she doesn't just make it from infancy to adulthood in one piece, but to see that she is nourished with the truths from God's word. Our desire is to teach and show her those truths as we live our daily lives, so that when she is able, she will choose for herself to follow the Lord Jesus with her whole heart.

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