Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Selah's 7 months!

Selah is such a joy! The whole family just adores her and enjoys having a baby to dote on. I love watching the older kids with her and seeing their tender sides come out. It is actually very handy having the age space between the older kids and Selah. I guess there was a space between them and Nathan, but it's even more noticable this time around... or maybe I'm continuing to relax and trust them a bit more?

I regularly send one of the boys to the car with her to buckle her in or ask someone to bring her downstairs from her crib when she wakes. The girls are even learning to be excellent baby sitters. They will watch and play with her for an hour (or more) at a time so I can finish some work outside. I love the help, and have a hard time remembering how I managed with only 3 small toddlers. I am convinced that 7 kids spread over 11 years is much easier than 3 kids under 5.

Within the last month, Selah has taken to sitting up quite well. She still needs to be placed in the sitting position, but she'll balance there a good while before toppling over or flipping to her tummy by bending over and kicking her legs out from under her.

She has also become an expert "raspberry" blower. She intersperces her sweet "da, da, da" with a lovely "phhhhhttt" sound. Out of habit, most of us will do it back at her, which only encourages her even more. It's a cute phase! If her talking and singing at this age is a sign of what's to come, we're in for an earful. Whenever we're in the car and the family gets loud from talking or singing, you can hear her join right in. She'll start singing or talking just like she's part of the crowd.

Her diet is still limited to nursing, with a squishy blueberry or soft green bean here or there. I've tried the mushed food or yogurt every so often, but she wants nothing to do with it. She's much more interested in food with texture. I guess we're gonna just skip that stage.

Selah and her Littlest Big Brother.

Nathan loves and adores Selah! Although Selah will start to cry a bit and show some jealousy when I hold Nathan, the opposite is hardly true. Nathan will climb into my bed in the morning and insist on laying next to Selah, not me. For the most part, he has taken this "not-the-baby-of-the-family" thing very well, and Selah is reaping the benefits with love from her big (little) brother.

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