Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas at the Larson's

Christmas came early this year at Grandma and Grandpa Larson's! They were going to be in South Dakota over Christmas taking care of Great Grandma Marian, so we celebrated with the Larson side on December 10th. All the little kids on Paul's side of the family make it so much fun!

Selah and Elise (Jenny, Paul's sister's daughter) got matching Christmas dresses

The three amigos... Nathan, Jay, and Levi

(All within 6 months of eachother, and are finally starting to play well together! Yay!)

The four amigos... Nathan, Levi, Isaac, and Jay got matching sweaters

Grandpa Les with the annual "Happy Birthday, Jesus" cake... uh, I mean, "cookie" cake.

The kids are gathered around waiting for their piece of the cake after we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus. I appreciate that Les and Connie go out of their way to get a special cake just for the purpose of drawing attention to the real reason we celebrate Christmas. Thanks.

My little bundle of Selah JOY is pulling up on the furniture quite well. My prediction is that it'll be another month or more before she's taking her first steps...

Grandma Connie and Selah

The final Christmas picture for the day... No nap + too much sugar= and ornery three-year-old.

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