Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gingerbread Houses!

When the kids were younger, and there were fewer hand-me-downs, each of the kids got to open Christmas PJ's as an early present on Christmas Eve. I loved the idea of having fun, new Christmas pajamas for the Christmas morning, present-opening pictures. Now we have plenty of pajamas (and Grandma C. always comes through with new PJ's for Christmas), so I just can't reason buying new pajamas just for the cuteness factor on Christmas morn.

As Paul and I were doing our last minute Christmas stuff, we ran into a "sweet" deal on Gingerbread houses! Aldi's was trying to clear out their Christmas stuff and my kids LOVED putting one together last year. I had great intentions of figuring out how to bake our own kits, but didn't get the job done... The houses were a hit!

AND they kept the kiddos busy while I was finishing up the baking and last minute wrapping for Christmas Eve.

Even little Nates got his own!

Don't they look so.... sugary? And yes, they ate them piece by piece the entire week following Christmas.

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