Sunday, July 20, 2008

Got Milk??

We got goats!! We've been wanting to get some milking goats for a while now, so they're finally here! We have fresh milk daily. A lot of people have misconceptions about the taste of goat's milk, but we've had people take taste tests of raw goat vs. raw cow's milk, and guess which one won? Yep, everyone either chose the goat's milk over the cow's milk, or thought the goat's milk was cow's milk. Our kids all request the goat's milk by name (even though we don't have cow milk anymore).


  1. Yeah. You finally got a goat to work for you. I am not sure I agree with you about the taste of goats milk. :)

  2. Awesome!!! This will be fun to read. You're going to be a great blogger. - John

  3. Where do you find the time Super Amy!!!

  4. Amy,
    The kids are getting so big! They are all beautiful. Ellie looks just like a little Amy I remember. Melissa finally showed me how to get into your blog. I am not a techie. I need you to email me your phone number. I was in town and didn't want to just stop-by (that is cruel and unusual punishment for us Mom's) Take care and keep in touch. Vickie
