Wednesday, February 25, 2009

4 more "kids"

Our goats had their babies yesterday!! 3 girls and 1 boy. We have been anxiously watching and awaiting their arrival for the past week or so. The "kids" are so cute and actually a lot bigger than I thought they would be.
Caleb went out to collect the eggs a little after lunchtime and came bouncing in with the eggs. He didn't say anything so I asked, "Did the goats have their babies?" He said "yep". I really thought he was joking, but after confirming a few times, we all got our coats and went to see our new additions! One of the goats had two babies...a boy and a girl. I called a friend of mine who wanted her kids to see the newborn babies. She came over about an hour later and during the time they were here, the other goat started laying down and acting funny. So we all were spectators at the second two babies births! (All 14 of us crammed into the goat stall to watch the "miracle of birth") It was very cool to see and I'm sure it was "enlightening" for my kids. Afterward, Seth commented that it was "gross" and Caleb said he almost threw up (Boy, am I glad they weren't there for Nathan's birth!), but they started immediately to pick out "their" baby. These are the times when I am so glad we live on a farm!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kids meet Jay...

Nathan & Jay

Wow, does Nathan seem big when I see them side by side! Jay is 2 weeks old and such a little peanut. The kids got to meet their newest cousin for the first time. They were...typical kids. "Can I hold him? OK, I'm done." Noah was not interested in holding him at all. It seemed to be a repeat of when Nathan was born. I wonder if Noah is still afraid of newborns peeing on him?? The other boys obliged their mom and were gracious enough to sit in for the photo-op. The girls, on the other hand, took a liking to him, but knowing what they do to their baby dolls... let's just say, we didn't want to be responsible for breaking him, so their time was limited :) Ahhh, welcome to the family, Jay!!
(Oh, yeah... it was good to see you too, John and Carrie :)
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Mikayla's Birthday!

Mikayla is 13!!
My family is trying to start meeting once a month for a "family game night" type of thing. Since we really only saw eachother on major holidays, my sis thought it would be a good idea to get together more often. It has been fun and the kids look forward to seeing everyone. This month's rotation was at my brother Mark's house and happened to fall in the middle of Ally and Mikayla's birthdays. Ally was at a dance at the High School, so we celebrated Mikayla's 13th Birthday with a cake and a fun game of charades...

It's been nice seeing more of my big brother Mark and his girls in the last couple years. Since our ages are so far apart, he was pretty much out of the house (and moved to Arizona) by the time I was born, so I never really got to know him (or vice-versa). I am really enjoying the time we are spending together.

And for the BIG news...
Scott and Emilee are expecting!! Expecting what, you say...

A BABY, OF COURSE!!! Some time this fall, there'll be another baby in the family!!!

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ellie's 4th Birthday Party!!

Ellie had a great 4th Birthday! It helped that her older brothers did the birthday count-down starting the week or so before. "6 more days until your birthday, Ellie"..."2 more days until your birthday..." Like most 4-year-olds on their birthday, she was completely into the cake, presents and having a party exclusively for herself. She whipped through the presents in no time. She'd open one and almost before she saw what it was, she was on to the next one. It might have been better to spread the gifts out to one an hour, but then again, birthdays really don't come that often...
Ellie wanted a "Pink" party again this year with a Princess cake. The little princess cakes she helped me make for her and Grace we pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself. It was almost sad having to watch the girls eat them. :)
Elizabeth Rae is growing into a beautiful little girl. She's still sucking her thumb. I am half convinced that it must be cookie-flavored for as much as it's in her mouth. We struck a deal about 6 months ago that when she turns 5 she'll stop sucking it and she can take some sort of ballet or dance class. That is right up her alley, so we'll see how it works out... She is really good at coloring and using scissors (unlike any of her brothers at her age). She loves to dress very feminine and likes her "bling" or anything with sparkles.
The day before Ellie's actual birthday, which was on the 17th, we headed to Grizzly Jack's Indoor Waterpark near Starved Rock. We stayed overnight and the kids had a blast playing in the wave pool, lazy river and waterslides! When we got home, Daddy took Ellie out for a special dinner with just the two of them. (It happened to work out that the other kids were sooooo crabby and tired that we decided that a sit-down restaurant was not the best place to have a melt-down) The waitresses at "R Place" in Morris sang "Happy Birthday" and gave her a cute little cupcake. And, Oh, yeah, can't forget the homemade "fried" ice cream that was waiting when they got home! I think Ellie had a pretty special 4th birthday this year, not to be out-done for a while :)
Our continuing prayer for Ellie is that she becomes as beautiful in her thoughts and actions as she is on the outside. Saying, "Ellie, you are such a pretty girl" comes so easy, but I'm finding the need to be more mindful in emphasizing the thoughtful and kind things she does. Lord willing, we will get this parenting thing right eventually... :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

He's workin' undercover...

I have just discovered that my beautiful baby boy is actually working undercover (or shall I say under the covers)! While he's awake, Nathan imitates a sweet, innocent baby, but as he sleeps, he slowly morphs into a.....
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A hiking we will go...hi, ho the dair-e-o...

Wow! What a difference a day makes. You never would've guessed that it could be 60 something and sunny in February. We took advantage of the great weather and went hiking at Mattheissen State Park near Starved Rock. I prefer Mattheissen because it is less touristy and you feel like you are actually following trails instead of paved bike paths.
Anywoo, we managed to hike for a whole 3 hours! I am soooo proud of little Gracie. She deserves an award for all of the walking she did especially since has to take twice as many steps for each one I take. Nathan was content in the baby carrier on my back. We packed a lunch and Caleb and Seth both sported packs to carry it. We all had a lot of fun finding a spot in the woods to have our picnic!
Since the snow was just melting, there was mud and puddles all over. Many of the trails we went down were waterlogged or to icy and we had to turn back. We spent the last hour before sunset trying to find a decent way out without having to go back the long way we came. We did make it, and if I look exhausted in the picture... I was! Grace and Ellie were worn out in that last half hour, so Caleb and I carried them part way. Walking with Nathan on my back, and Gracie on my front was no easy task. Actually, the extra 50 pounds was great exercise for my legs and back... I can feel it today... Even so, it was worth the effort. We had a great time.
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Monday, February 9, 2009

A New Nephew!!

He's finally here! The first baby in the "other" Larson family. Welcome Jay Patrick! He is a tiny little peanut, weighing in at 6lb 6oz and 18.5 inches! It was different going to see John and Carrie with their newborn (in a good way)... usually, it's the other way around. He's another beautiful baby in the Larson family, where the boys now outnumber the girls by about 4 to 1!

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Nathan's Dedication

We dedicated Nathan yesterday. It was, in a way, a public declaration that we are going to do our best to raise him in the way that the Lord would want us to, and we have family and friends in the church to witness it. We prayed that God would watch over him and give us wisdom in raising him (we soooooo need His wisdom, that's for certain!).
Each of the kids have been dedicated when they were a few months old and we really consider this a special day. We pray often that God would draw our kids to Himself at an early age, and give them a hunger and thirst for knowing Him.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Gracie's books of the Old Testament

Yeah, I know I'm bragging... but one of the best ways to keep weeds from taking over a garden it to fill it with good plants before the weeds start growing. That is what I intend to do, Lord willing. 2 Tim 3:15

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

They're back!

Grandma and Grandpa Larson are back from their trip to Missouri!
Grandpa Les taught us a new card game that he picked up in MO. I'm sure it is going to be played with avengence for the next week or so around our house. It always seems to work that way...

Grandpa and Noah

Grandma read books to the girls as she was getting them ready for bed. Gracie refused to get her picture taken, but was caught when she popped out from behind Grandma.

Nathan and the Girls.

Welcome back Grandma Connie and Grandpa Les! We missed you.
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Go Cubs!!

Seth and Nathan
OK, so it's the middle of winter and we are rooting for the Cubs. True die-hard fans, huh? Actually, Seth REALLY does not like the Cubs. He is quite the Sox fan. I'm not so sure if it's because he actually likes the Sox, or just that his big brother likes the Cubbies. Last time he wore this shirt, he covered the Cubs logo with a white t-shirt.
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