Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Kids meet Jay...

Nathan & Jay

Wow, does Nathan seem big when I see them side by side! Jay is 2 weeks old and such a little peanut. The kids got to meet their newest cousin for the first time. They were...typical kids. "Can I hold him? OK, I'm done." Noah was not interested in holding him at all. It seemed to be a repeat of when Nathan was born. I wonder if Noah is still afraid of newborns peeing on him?? The other boys obliged their mom and were gracious enough to sit in for the photo-op. The girls, on the other hand, took a liking to him, but knowing what they do to their baby dolls... let's just say, we didn't want to be responsible for breaking him, so their time was limited :) Ahhh, welcome to the family, Jay!!
(Oh, yeah... it was good to see you too, John and Carrie :)
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