Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A hiking we will go...hi, ho the dair-e-o...

Wow! What a difference a day makes. You never would've guessed that it could be 60 something and sunny in February. We took advantage of the great weather and went hiking at Mattheissen State Park near Starved Rock. I prefer Mattheissen because it is less touristy and you feel like you are actually following trails instead of paved bike paths.
Anywoo, we managed to hike for a whole 3 hours! I am soooo proud of little Gracie. She deserves an award for all of the walking she did especially since has to take twice as many steps for each one I take. Nathan was content in the baby carrier on my back. We packed a lunch and Caleb and Seth both sported packs to carry it. We all had a lot of fun finding a spot in the woods to have our picnic!
Since the snow was just melting, there was mud and puddles all over. Many of the trails we went down were waterlogged or to icy and we had to turn back. We spent the last hour before sunset trying to find a decent way out without having to go back the long way we came. We did make it, and if I look exhausted in the picture... I was! Grace and Ellie were worn out in that last half hour, so Caleb and I carried them part way. Walking with Nathan on my back, and Gracie on my front was no easy task. Actually, the extra 50 pounds was great exercise for my legs and back... I can feel it today... Even so, it was worth the effort. We had a great time.
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1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the perfect day to me! I miss those moments... enjoy them as much as you can! Time goes too fast. Hugs, Pam
