Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Birthday to me...

Alright, I must be getting older because my birthday is wearing me out... and I haven't even had my actual birthday yet. It started last weekend with a loooooong scrapbooking getaway. Connie, my mom-in-law was the hostess. I took Ellie with me and we scrapped the weekend away with a huge group a scrapbook addicts. It was FUN! I left around noon on Friday and didn't make it home until Sunday evening! It was crunch weekend to get Nathan's First Year album started and completed. (didn't happen... but I'm getting close!)

Then, on Monday, Paul (my saint of a husband) granted me my second wish by sending me out with 7 other girlfriends on our twice-yearly dinner! I look forward to our time out together all year long! We have so much in common to talk about and so much to catch up on! Between the 8 of us, I think we have around 45 children and 1 on the way!
The next day, my sweet mom-in-law came over and babysat so Paul and I could go out. Olive Garden here we come!! I love to fill up on their salad and take my meal home! I also got the blushed-cheek special when they delivered our desert and *very loudly* sang some rendition of a birthday song.

On to today when my mom and sis took me out to Fresco's mexican yummy restaurant! Boy, am I wiped! I didn't know eating and going out could be so exhausting. I think I'm ready for a nice, peaceful, relaxing day at home with my six kids...

It's not over yet, though. I have big plans to visit the resale shop on my actual birthday (still 2 days off) being that they are running a 1/2 off deal in my honor. Yippee! Happy Birthday to me!!!
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