Sunday, March 21, 2010

On to New Mexico!

Today we finished the rest of Oklahoma and drove across New Mexico. We are staying in Gallup, New Mexico (near the western border) tonight... The daytime temperature has warmed up considerably (almost t-shirt weather, but not quite). We were really planning on camping this entire trip (except for a few days in the mountains), but the weather is alot colder than planned, so we are staying in a hotel tonight too. Below is a picture of our bags that we took into the hotel with us. Since we were packed for camping and not "hotel-ing", we had a menagerie of stuff to lug in with us the first night.
We left around 9 this morning (a little later that we would normally have), hoping that the ice was cleared from the road. We only had a few small patches left to dodge in the first hour of driving. We drove from 9 to around 8:30 (7:30 mountain time) with only one stop to eat (at McDonald's! Yuk, not my restaurant of choice... but they have a playland AND a dollar menu!) and multiple stops to fill up on gas or bathroom breaks. Thankfully, we should only have around 4-5 hours of driving til we get to the Grand Canyon tomorrow!
This third day of driving was tough. Considering that they've been in the car for 1500 miles now, I'd say the kids did VERY well. Nathan is still hanging in there. A fun trick I learned at a MOPS group is to keep a jar of bubbles in the car. Whenever we're stuck in the car with an unhappy baby, we break out the bubbles and hold the wand in front of the vent and the bubbles fly throughout the car. Seth took charge of the bubbles for a while (that is until he started feeling sick from all the snacks and junk food we've eaten in the last few days).
What does a "normal" hotel room look like with a family of 8 sleeping in it (because that's all that was available tonight)? Here it is... A king bed (for me, Paul and one kiddo), a pull-out sofa and a roll-away (each sleeping 2 kids) and a playpen stuck in the corner.

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