Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Piano Recital

Nope, no baby yet... But this is a very busy time of year with lots going on around the holidays, so I thought I'd blog a bit more before the baby comes...

The boys (Caleb and Seth) had their Christmas Piano Recital this past weekend. Seth made HUGE improvements over last year. Last year, he practically had to be drug up on stage to play his piece. He is alot like me. You couldn't have paid me enough to want to do a recital when I was his age. This year, though, he went right up without threats of any kind! I believe he was just as nervous because I could see his hands visably shaking as he started his first piece. He was also nervously chomping on gum to the rhythm of his playing...

Seth played "Deck the Halls" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" (Grandpa Harold's favorite song :), and he played them well. Knowing how hard it is for him to get up in front of people, I was especially proud.

Caleb played a duet with Stephanie Bourg. They are at about the same playing level and they played "Carol of the Bells" together. It was AWESOME! He followed that with "Theme of Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" (also known as a popular wedding march song). I really had no idea it was a Christmas song, but it sounded fantastic. He's at the point now where he enjoys playing, and it is enjoyable to listen to him. (It only took 5 long years...)

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