Wednesday, December 1, 2010


With the looming birth of our new baby, Thanksgiving kind of got away from me. I am speeding into the Christmas rush, trying to get things accomplished before baby comes. I just wanted to take a minute and share just a few of the things I am so grateful for this year...

... my kids, of course, and how they've grown. I truely (still) enjoy being around them. :)
... my husband. Though we are continually fine-tuning eachother, there is no other person I'd rather spend my life with. He's a hard worker, a great example for our kids, and a man of integrity.
... both Paul's parents and my parents. I'm thankful for the way they raised us, and their love for eachother. And am sooooo thankful for the wonderful grandparents that my kids have.
... for baby number 7! It's amazing to think of this baby that wiggles inside of me now will be here in about 2 weeks! What a blessing and honor for God to give us another life to raise for His glory.
... our new well! Lots and lots of running water! Laundry, dishwashing, FULL hot baths, slip-n-slides, filling our goat's and chicken's troughs. You don't realize how much you miss it until you don't have it.
... my quirky family, and Paul's normal family. I'm not sure if my family would aspire to be called "normal", but I can attest that they are not. That part of them makes family holidays and being together fun. They're like walking into a Bath and Body store and being able to test 50 scents in 5 minutes. On the other hand, there is also a benefit and stability to having a "normal" family to even out the score. Though "normal" has no real definition, Paul's family reminds me of the deep, refreshing scent of evergreens during the Christmas season. Soothing and relaxing. What a joy it is to have both.

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