Friday, December 17, 2010

Zoo day!

It was getting kind of boring sitting around the house waiting for a baby to be born, so we decided to head to the zoo (maybe see if we could start anything). Tuesdays and Thursdays are free through the end of the year and I've been wanting to take the kids there for a few weeks. It finally warmed up enough (all the way into the 20's... whoo, hoo!), so I took my animals to see the REAL animals :)

Nathan wasn't too happy about sitting on the lion when we first got there to take our initial picture, but by the end of our trip, he got the drift that the only reason we came to the zoo was for pictures and he started cooperating.

Gracie and the zebra (or as Nathan would say, "Beebra"). Though I didn't get a good picture of the wild horses that are new to the zoo, both of the girls claimed that they were their favorite animals.

My little Roo's!

That's me... 5 days overdue. Although it was uncomfortable walking through the zoo for 3 and a half hours, the baby seemed to thoroughly enjoy the rocking motion because it gave no hint that it was coming out. In fact, all the walking just wore me out and made my hips hurt. Little did I know that my midwife would call later that evening and ask that I not do anything extra to try to start labor since she had been up the night before with another birth. Of course, my well behaved (yet LATE) baby decided to oblige her...
Today (day 6 overdue), we went sledding. Not me, although the thought did cross my mind (if I wasn't so sore from yesterday). It was our last chance to sled without the crowds when all the kids are off school for winter break. My favorite hill (because of convienience) is situated so that the kids are always in view of the parking lot. They practically sled right onto it. Nathan and I sat in the car watching Mickey Mouse while the kids wore off some winter energy.
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1 comment:

  1. You look wonderful!! Hope you're sleeping well! Praying for you...
