Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here's your snake, son.

"Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask!" Matt. 7

Seth reading to Nathan (and everyone else wanted to hear.)

I had NOT read this verse recently, but it came to mind as I interacted with the kids yesterday... When one of the kids chooses to be helpful beyond his/her normal duties (and if I notice), later, I try to comment on it or will slip him (or her) something special. Maybe a piece of mom's dark chocolate or a couple m&m's... something that no one else gets, just to let him know his help is appreciated. It also keeps them motivated to continue helping out when they can. I don't do it everytime. That's not how life works. Sometimes the boss sees your good deeds, and praises you or gives you a raise. Sometimes he doesn't, but that's no excuse to stop doing good.

Well, yesterday, the two older boys were going above and beyond. So much so, that I thought there HAS to be something up their sleeves. Seth made breakfast for everyone and brought it to me in bed, Caleb was being super helpful with the little ones... They are usually "helpful", but it was just one thing after another all morning. I was feeling very blessed. After a while, I started to realize that they may not have anything up their sleeves, they are just doing it... well, just because.

That made me WANT to do something special just for them, not just "repay them for the good they did". It makes me enjoy blessing them with good gifts. I couldn't help but think that maybe God feels the same way with us. He will (and does) give us good gifts simply because we are his children (just as I do for mine). But when we are going the extra mile to do what would please Him. Thinking of Him throughout the day... as you talk to the cashier to brighten his/her day, when you'd rather just keep to yourself... maybe that makes Him smile just as I do when my kids are doing things to please me. And maybe, at those moments, He feels like me, and is thrilled to shower his children with joy and blessings and "good gifts".

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