Monday, February 7, 2011


Nathan is so much fun. He's talking well and sometimes you can tell when he's trying to use a new word in the correct context because he'll pause slightly before trying it. His new word today was "before". He pointed to a dolphin in a book and said, "I saw one of those, (pause) before." "Yes, your right, you did see one at the zoo," I replied. Then he went on to point out the other animals that he had seen "before". It was cute!
You'd think with five kids before him, that all the new stuff would be old hat, but I've been starting to think that the more kids I have, the more delightful those moments become. I'm not quite sure why, but although I loved watching the older kids go through different stages, it's been different with Nathan and Selah. Maybe it's because I'm older (and wiser), maybe because the other kids are excited and enjoying it with me (very likely), maybe because I'm not so concerned with having everything "perfect" (impossible, so why bother), or maybe because I realize that these moments don't last forever. Whatever the reason, or combination of reasons, my heart lights up as I watch them discover new things and just enjoy life.
Nathan is a ham. He loves when people watch him and can be so dramatic. He cracks me up many times. As cute as he is, we ALWAYS know when he's tired because he causes trouble. Takes books off the shelves, gets into the game closet, irritates his sisters... BEDTIME!!

Superman!! We've had these pajamas since Caleb (and they belonged to my neighbor's son before that) All the boys have fun wearing it for the first time and Nathan's no different... he just has a bigger crowd to "oooooo and awwww" at him.

Nathan is not know for falling asleep anywhere but in his crib or carseat. None of the kids did. We got home late on Superbowl night, I changed him and though he was totally awake when I went to grab pajamas, he was out cold when I got back.
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