Sunday, February 27, 2011

Selah's 2 months!!

Selah Joy... Never underestimate the power of a name...
Paul and I always look up the meanings of the names that we're considering for our babies. We decided on the middle name of Joy only a few days before she was born. It means "joyful and pleasant", and who doesn't want that kind of baby? It was also Christmas time and the season is full of joy... so it seemed fitting.

Joy is the perfect middle name for her! Selah is a very joyful baby. Although I may have a hard time trying to convince others, I am positive she has been smiling since she was only a week old. Both of my girls smiled early, but she has them beat. And, no, it wasn't "just gas". Sheesh, after 6 kids, you'd think I'd know a real smile from a "gassy" or "drifting off to sleep" smile! She has been such a happy and enJOYable baby. She rarely cries, and when she does, she is easily consoled. Selah will break out her big, beautiful grin to anyone who decides to take the time to chat with her. She's even smiled just because I walked by. She is so different from Nathan. Although he wasn't a crabby baby, Nathan would stare at you and make you sing three stanzas to the Star Spangled Banner (does it even have stanzas?) AND dance the Hokey Pokey before he'd crack a smile. What a difference in personalities.
I put Selah in her Bumbo Chair when she was 6 weeks old and her poor little head just plopped to the side and she had to look at the world cockeyed. After a couple minutes, I took her out and decided to wait another couple weeks when her neck and back muscles got stronger and try again. We put her in it this week and she loved it and has decided she likes seeing the world from this new upright position (below).

Unlike the other kids, Selah hasn't lost her birth hair. In fact, she had her first haircut when she was only 2 weeks old. She had such long hair when she was born that it hung over her ears and she looked shaggy all the time. I decided to chop off the extra hair around her ears to clean her up a bit. In the picture below she's "pre-haircut" with wide eyes and a bit of a "light-socket" hair style (courtesy of mommy)...

... and here she is 2 months old with fuller hair and a bit of a mullet look, chubbier cheeks, and beautiful, big blue eyes!! Simply GORGEOUS!

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