Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Nathan is 1 week old!

Monday, September 22, 2008
Noah and Nathan
Things are slowly getting back to normal around the Larson household. My mom is still here doing just about everything around the house. Between Connie, my mom, and Paul being off work for almost a week, I have been doing... well, nothing. It has been so great to be "babied" after having a baby!
This picture of Noah and Nathan was taken the evening after he was born. I wanted to get a picture of each of the kids holding Nathan, but I had the hardest time with Noah. All day long he had refused to hold him when I asked if he wanted to. So, finally, I bribed him with a piece of chocolate. He agreed, but insisted that everyone except me, him, and the baby leave the room. I thought it was very strange, but if it'll get me a picture, then OK. So he held him until I took the pictures and a little video, then gave him back and said excitedly, "He didn't pee on me!" It took me just a moment to figure out what he was talking about... When Caleb held Nathan in the morning, we just had him wrapped in a baby blanket with no diaper, and Nathan peed all over Caleb. I finally realized why Noah was so hesitant!! Since then, he's asked to hold him just about every time he's seen me with him!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Here is Paul's first attempt at a blog. Amy and Nathan are doing great. Here's the details.
Nathan Paul: September 16, 2008
10 lbs, 3 oz., 21 ¾” long
God has blessed us again with a new baby boy. Children truly are a blessing from the Lord. I thank Him for giving us another healthy child to raise to follow and know Him. God knows that we need His help to accomplish such a task.
11:35 pm, September 15, 2008: Amy’s water broke. I was awaken with a start as Amy says her water broke and she runs to the bathroom. She calls the midwife and is told to get some sleep until the contractions start. We called our parents to let them know that labor had started. Betty and Dawn headed to our house to help. My parents were in Missouri and were excited, asking for us to call whenever we knew anything. They made plans to head back in the morning.
12:30 am, September 16, 2008: Contractions Started.
1:00 am, September 16, 2008: Dawn and Betty arrive.
1:30 am, September 16, 2008: Called the midwife as contractions were about 2 minutes apart. Bernice said she would be here in an hour.
2:45 am, September 16, 2008: Midwife and assistant arrived. Amy was in full labor after taking a bath and sitting on her ball, and more.
6:09 am, September 16, 2008: Nathan Paul was delivered by me with Amy laying on her ball. It was awesome to see the head for a while, helping Amy through the pain, and the miracle of new life. The face of Nathan was facing me as I waited for Amy to push him out.
We called Les and Connie and they were already showered and getting ready to drive back. They arrived at about 3:30 pm to see Nathan.
We called Harold, Grandma Marian, various family and friends with the news. It is always fun to share the excitement of a birth.
September 16th is my brother John’s birthday also.
Nathan is alert, looking around to see what is going on.
As we went through labor and the birth, I wondered if this would be the last. It was sad to think that way, and I tried to remember and enjoy the whole process. Having a large family is a blessing with many helpers, play mates, and more.
Another odd thing that happened today was that we had the barn roof repaired by my brother-in-law Mark. We had arranged this before knowing that Nathan would come. I appreciate the help in getting this done as I am not fond of walking on roofs.
Betty has been a huge help today, playing with the kids, doing laundry, and making dinner.
We had difficulty coming up with a name this time, but had settled on names a week or so ago. Nathan was a prophet in the Bible who talked to David about his sin and helped to establish Solomon’s kingship.
As I sat and held him today, I enjoyed the freshness of life, the challenge and reminder to be a good dad, and the joy of hope and a future together.
I would encourage anyone to look at children the way God does – as a blessing, as arrows in the hand of a warrior, and as a blessed responsibility which helps us overcome our selfishness.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
All I want for Christmas...
My little pancake maker
Friday, September 5, 2008
My baby boy is 9!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Three babies to be born!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
3 weeks and counting!!
Here we go! On the final leg of the rollar coaster ride, with the grand finale still to come. 3 weeks left (including the week I usually go over-due), so technically, the baby could come any day now. It's too bad I feel so good. A month ago, I felt like I could barely walk, and I could have sworn that I wouldn't make it to my due date, but I'm not counting on it anymore... I feel really good for this stage in the game. (Except for the swelling ankles that comes with being on my feet most of the day...) We're all getting anxious to see the gender of the baby. My gut says it's a boy, but I don't think that makes it any less than a 50/50 chance. Still working on the baby's name. Maybe we'll have come up with an agreeable one within the next 3 weeks, but it's not like we have to turn in the birth certificate before we leave the hospital, right?