Friday, December 31, 2010
Selah Joy's Home Birth
Monday, December 27, 2010
It's a GIRL!!! Selah Joy!
Our New Family!
Selah and momma within an hour after birth. Check out that crazy hair.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
9 days over...

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas Blessings!
Well, after calling, he showed up at our garage door with a 40 pound sack of groceries full of peanut butter, jelly, cookies, bread, cheese, and more. He even bought us a turkey! What a blessing to have such a thoughtful neighbor... and even more of a blessing to see the kids surprised faces. They got a tangible lesson in how God blesses you when you give without expecting anything in return. We even took the opportunity to pray that God would bless Tony for his kindness and help him to know Jesus if he doesn't.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Zoo day!
Nathan wasn't too happy about sitting on the lion when we first got there to take our initial picture, but by the end of our trip, he got the drift that the only reason we came to the zoo was for pictures and he started cooperating.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Piano Recital
The boys (Caleb and Seth) had their Christmas Piano Recital this past weekend. Seth made HUGE improvements over last year. Last year, he practically had to be drug up on stage to play his piece. He is alot like me. You couldn't have paid me enough to want to do a recital when I was his age. This year, though, he went right up without threats of any kind! I believe he was just as nervous because I could see his hands visably shaking as he started his first piece. He was also nervously chomping on gum to the rhythm of his playing...
Seth played "Deck the Halls" and "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" (Grandpa Harold's favorite song :), and he played them well. Knowing how hard it is for him to get up in front of people, I was especially proud.
Caleb played a duet with Stephanie Bourg. They are at about the same playing level and they played "Carol of the Bells" together. It was AWESOME! He followed that with "Theme of Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" (also known as a popular wedding march song). I really had no idea it was a Christmas song, but it sounded fantastic. He's at the point now where he enjoys playing, and it is enjoyable to listen to him. (It only took 5 long years...)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Supersize Me!
While we're on the subject of super-sizing, here's the "Due Date" belly shot. Pretty average for me, but I do have a tendancy to super-size my babies. Obviously, there's no baby yet. I am aiming for the 16th (Grandpa Les' birthday), or if that doesn't work, my next date of choice is the 21st. Seth was born on the first day of summer, so why not a "first day of winter" baby? Ya want to know something really sad? Look at my legs. They are actually hiding Nathan. You can see his little arm sticking out, but that's it. Ahhh, well.... that's life :) Who knows, maybe my next blog will be about our new baby...
Friday, December 3, 2010
Time with my girls
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

... for baby number 7! It's amazing to think of this baby that wiggles inside of me now will be here in about 2 weeks! What a blessing and honor for God to give us another life to raise for His glory.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Shot my first possum!
I know what most of you want to say when you see this picture... Go ahead and say it... "NASTY!" I would too, but this time I was the proud hunter (not proud enough to actually hold it myself, though. YUK).
Noah, after much protest to being sent out in the dark to collect our eggs (he forgot to do it earlier), came bursting in... "Mom, there's a possum in the hen house! It's in the nesting box!" Paul was out buying a new dishwasher after ours died, so it was up to me to do something with this egg thief. Seth volunteered to shoot it with his bb gun, but my wisdom said it would probably just get mad, so Noah and I went out armed with a baseball bat, a golf club and a head-lamp (one of those flashlights that you rubberband to your forhead). We also took Lady, our fierce possum hunting Blue-Heeler. We showed Lady where it was, but being that it saw her too, the possum tried to bite her every time she went to grab it. And bing I wasn't about to get into a baseball bat fight with a possum in a 4X8 foot hen house, I decided to go back in and get our gun. The possum was still in the same spot when I got back, and seeing it's bared teeth and hearing it growl at me, I didn't feel one bit sorry for shooting it. Clean up was left for my dear husband who tossed it in the road-side ditch of the field next door. That IS where many possums end up anyway, right?
I have to say that my boys were quite proud of their momma today (so was my hubby), and I was glad to get rid of our plump, trespassing egg-eater.
Monday, November 22, 2010
20 days to go!!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Gracie's ear dilemma
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Master juggler... sometimes.

Saturday, October 30, 2010
My take on Halloween

Monday, October 25, 2010
Fall Fest
Well number 2
My dad came over Saturday and helped Paul piece the pipes and pump rod together (and figure out how to get it to work).